Friday, June 20, 2003 


Email this fuck-nut!
by FrankChalmers

Booze should really be non-caloric. What the hell are they waiting for? If the lab monkeys can whoop up diet sodas, what’s the big hold up with beer? I remember I heard a report on Headline News about a year ago, that the enzyme in beer that makes one get a beer belly had been pinpointed and the drug to reverse this effect was forthcoming. Now, if those morons at Headline news thought that a drinker like me would just let that piece of “time filler” just pass into the cosmos, then they have another thing coming. Seriously, are we all just a bunch of ass-Muppets that deserve to be lied too on a daily basis, so that “X” news agency can fill its entire day with bullshit? Face it; the best thing for news in a long time was the war. What better way to finally, once and for all, show everyone your true colors? In the end it was way apparent that on the one side you had CNN (left) and the other you had FOX (right). Not to make this too big a deal, but I was starting to get way pissed off when we were only three days into the war and the best thing that CNN could pull off was a bunch of frigin’ protesters in NYC. Turns out that it was one of those socialist agenda groups that organized that one. Perhaps you remember it, it was called a “die in.” Fucking idiots, get a job!
So, I suppose that the ra-ra-re-re mentality of FOX wasn’t much better, but fuckin-a people. The country is at war and you want to hear about how wrong we are for being there? It’s already a done deal and they're still asking Sheryl Crow what she thinks…. If you want that kinda pain, go get a tattoo on your eyeball.
There have been sobering moments that that I think,maybe we are all sitting ringside as the new regime takes over. Could be, but if you truly think that any of this would have happened with the eleventh removed, then you must be a fool. Take out the extreme on both side and the middle is usually the truth. My middle seems to still be a bit to the right.
Oh well, I have some more beer to drink. So, if anyone sees Rupert Murdoch , tell that genius I expect that beer pill in my mailbox on Monday… Or a diet Guinness.

posted by FrankChalmers 8:10 PM