Thursday, July 10, 2003 

Pss the bottle before you pass out
Email this fuck-nut!
by Gill Michaelson

A loyal reader has posted the following question:

I like to go out 2 or 3 times a week and I usually wind up getting shitty drunk, blacking out and then regretting my actions the next morning. I think this is a bad pattern and I need some advice as how to stop.

I am amazed at what people have to deal with on a regular basis. Stop? Why would you possibly want to stop? Partying is really the essence of life. It allows you to explore the world outside your meaningless 9 to 5 existence. It puts a good break in your routine, and encourages you to become the real you.

Why would you be embarrassed about that you do when drunk? You are simply trying to accommodate a societal perception of how you should behave. Screw the rules (except for drunk driving) and say what you want, do what you like and enjoy the moment.

You know you want a drink right now.

As an aside….. I am working on assembling a national get drunk at work day. It will be fun and details are to follow…. Stay tuned.

posted by Gill 6:03 AM